Monday, January 3, 2011

Step. It. Up. ( Men )

I had a great talk with my amazing house mate tonight.
We touched on subjects that we've discussed before but we dove a bit deeper.

Our entire conversation left me wondering why it is such a rarity to find a solid man of God in the church. A man whose walk is evident in the fruit his life produces. A greater portion of the men in our church who truly inspire us as women -are all married. What is up with that ?!?! I don't understand why our generation consists of an abundance of lukewarm men. Since when did most men lose sight of what God is indeed calling them to as disciples? It is an honor to be a man of God and that, is what we as God fearing women want - show us Jesus in your life because God indeed transforms your mind, habits, lifestyle and all the above.

This is beyond frustrating because I know so many guys who are kind, funny, handsome, talented, smart and down my alley ... yet they lack when it comes to a deepened, cultivated and matured relationship with the Lord- and ultimately, that is the deal breaker.

A few weeks ago one of our close girlfriends brought up that the group of us ladies are all legit woman who are truly disciples of Jesus - and we are all single. We are all beautiful women, who are talented up the ying yang and have fallen head over heels for this one called Jesus. One of us started a non profit organization called Remnant Uganda that is bringing freedom to once spiritually jailed and broken prostitutes in Africa. Another girlfriend places her art at benefit events whose profits in turn feed starving children through various foundations. While this same girl writes a curriculum for Children's ministry that is used throughout all of the country, another girl is committed to our church's children's ministry whole heartedly.

Our relationships with God have inevitably transformed us spiritually and in the tangible ways as well. The abundance of men in the church need to catch up - by stepping into the truth that exclaims God's desire to raise up men who purely long to know Him in the deepest and most genuine ways. God longs to cultivate His transformation and renewal in His people through the reading of His Word, the perpetual communication with Him through prayer, music, art, etc... and the utmost confidence one can find in the value God has placed on a man who emulates humility, honesty, love, awareness, dignity, and truth flowing from the wisdom that comes from God alone.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sister! I just read this this morning and it definitely reminded me of the conversation we had last night. But liked what we talked about last night, I believe that God is preparing our hearts and He will bring someone worthy. I loved what you said last night, so allow me to quote you, "God cares about our character more than our circumstance." I abolsutley love that! Thank you for that, and I absolutely loved having real talk with you last night!
