Saturday, October 30, 2010


:: I love it when God transforms a head knowledge of Him

into a wisdom that pentrates your heart.

Throughout the last few months I've been realizing how much head knowledge I have about God, Jesus,Christianity, etc...
And I'm seeing that it just simply isn't enough.

I'd rather gain wisdom that comes with working through a fluctuating relationship with my Father than just knowing all the right things to say during the difficult times.

God has put my head-knowledge to the test in amazing ways ...
and all in all, it's been transformed into something more than just "Christianese".

It's now formulating into something tangible -
How I choose to live from rise to dawn.
How I respond to discrepancies between my actions and my heart.
How I desire to be obedient to the guidelines my Father has given me.
How I pursue the life Jesus has given me a glimpse of.

This is all the beginning of an amazingly reawakened Caydin.
I'm finally allowing God to reshape those things that I solely developed, that were built upon selfishness, brokenness and foolishness.

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