I've been contemplating how God ushers in His justice.
I've been contemplating what justice even is.
I see a few different perspectives of justice. One perspective is the relational justice between God and His people. The other perspective is justice between people and their circumstances. They are contingent on each other.
:: In it's entirety, I've concluded that ultimate justice will have found us in the fulfillment of God's purpose, for our wholeness to be found in Him.
Circumstantial Justice ::
God offers a journey of profound wisdom for those who have been wronged, misunderstood, and discredited while under His authority. I am sure of this. There is a journey in those experiences that many run from. This is what I am in the midst of right now. A journey of wisdom and freedom. There is a mass amount of injustice in my life that still weighs heavy on my heart at times.
God surely continues to step within my perception.
Great wounds in my life have been brought by people whom have no conviction nor desire for penance. While that's an issue in and of itself in their relationship with God, I grieve as I endure the reality of broken relationships between brothers and sisters in Christ. I grieve, as I know, surely it grieves God's heart to see His kids author injustice between each other.
I reflect on God's perspective. He looks at the afflicted, abused, disregarded, and misunderstood and proclaims a transformation of character and an invitation to be healed by the wounds of this world. I know this to be true and deeply woven in my heart yet my mind plays the devils advocate at times. I ask why those whom have wronged me are thriving in their lives. It's as if it's a perpetual stabbing in the back.
Though my enemies remain flourishing, You, O Lord, are my steadfast hope. You, O Lord will make things right. If I didn't actually trust in who You claim to be and the justice you proclaim over your people, my hope would be folly. My pain would be fruitless. My tears would be trivial. My words would simply be hot air.
And the injustice in my life would be futile.
But because I continue on this journey,
:: You counteract every and all plans that are not for the good of who you've created in me. Because of the faith I have in You, You rectify the foolishness this world labels my life as.
Relational Justice ::
In utter submission and obedience, great revelations are to be had. I've seen how justice has indeed been put into motion in my life. Sin brings injustice to our relationship with Christ. It oppresses our perception in seeing His truer perspective and ultimately separates us from Him. That is injustice.
:: But see how God is bringing justice to our sinful nature as we encounter Him and become closer to being in a freeing and reconciled union with Him.